Sooner or later, you may have to address the problems that you are having with your wisdom teeth. If you ignore these problems, you may experience a tremendous amount of pain or have to pay for a costly dental procedure. Although it’s hard to determine exactly when you should get wisdom teeth removal, many people experience problems with wisdom teeth between the ages of 16 and 30.
Wisdom teeth surgery is available at Lovett Dental Conroe. Our specialist can perform an oral exam to identify the nature and extent of the problem. From there, you can schedule an appointment for wisdom teeth removal. A wisdom tooth extraction is similar to any other tooth extraction, requiring a surgical procedure.
What is a Wisdom Tooth?
Teeth that develop late adolescence/early adulthood are referred to as wisdom teeth. The teeth come in the back of the mouth, usually in pairs – two on the top row and two on the bottom row. Once the teeth form, they complete your entire set of 32 teeth. They are also categorized as molars, the tough teeth that grind your food.
Many adults end up losing or missing their wisdom teeth as they get older. There are several possible reasons for this:
- Jaw development
- Injury
- Poor diet
- Poor oral hygiene
- No visits to the dentist
- Impacted wisdom teeth
Why You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
One of the main reasons for wisdom teeth removal is impacted wisdom teeth. These are teeth that do not have enough room to grow. As a result, the impacted teeth can damage other teeth, cause pain, and create problems in your gumline or supporting tissue.
Dentists recommend removing impacted wisdom teeth to prevent other problems down the road. Some teeth cause no problems at all. Others can cause severe pain and discomfort and require the need for emergency dental services. Some of the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include:
- Difficulty opening your mouth
- Constant unpleasant taste
- Bad breath
- Swollen or painful jaw
- Bleeding or tender gums
- Swollen or red gums
If you experience one or more of these symptoms, you should schedule a professional oral exam at a general dentistry. Your dentist can explore the affected area, identify the problem, and recommend the appropriate treatment.
If you noticed problems with your wisdom teeth, you need to address them right away. If you allow the problem to continue, you may experience the following problems:
Tooth Damage
Since a wisdom tooth is a molar, it has the strength to damage surrounding teeth. The molar will push through other teeth as it grows. The constant pressure on other teeth increases the risk of infection, bleeding, and buildup of tartar in hard to reach places. This can lead to other oral health issues.
Gum Disease
Gingivitis typically occurs as a result of neglect. However, it can also develop when you can’t reach certain areas of your teeth or gums with your toothbrush. You may have difficulty cleaning the impacted teeth. Consequently, gum disease can develop quickly due to pre-existing inflammation or damage if you do not get the wisdom teeth removed.
Tooth Decay
An impacted wisdom tooth has a higher risk of tooth decay or cavities. Bacteria and food particles can get trapped between the tooth and the gumline or other teeth. This buildup is hard to reach. If not cleaned through teeth cleaning services, it can start to breakdown the enamel and inner portions of your teeth.
Schedule Wisdom Teeth Removal Today
Lovett Dental Conroe offers wisdom teeth surgery. Our licensed and trained oral specialists can help you with wisdom teeth removal so that your other teeth can grow without being damaged. Call Lovett Dental Conroe at 936-760-2400 to schedule an oral exam or professional tooth extraction.